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Regarding Coronavirus

I've been debating for the last three days exactly how to phrase this.

And, truthfully, there's no good way to so I'm just going to write it and hope for the best.

To my 2020 brides and grooms, and really to anyone considering booking me for this year in the future, I know you're likely worried about coronavirus and the affect it may or may not have on your upcoming wedding.

I am too.

But now is not the time to panic.

Because of this, I want to clearly outline what measures I'm taking should you want/need to reschedule your wedding with me.

Plainly put, I am making this as simple as possible.

First and foremost, if your wedding is canceled by your venue due to this virus or because the government won't allow large gatherings, there is a two step process for what we will do next.

1.) If you need to reschedule your wedding date and you move your wedding to a date I am available, I would love to remain your photographer. In this event, we'll revise your contract and change the date. There are no fees for rescheduling your wedding date with me. Period.

2.) If you need to reschedule your wedding date and your move your wedding to a date I am not available, I will waive any and all cancellation fees in your contract and send you a list of other photographers who I recommend when I am unavailable. These folks are people I personally trust, who I have personally worked with and who I would book myself. They are of similar style, personality and (usually) price to what I offer. Once again: THERE WILL BE NO COST TO YOU TO CANCEL YOUR CONTRACT WITH ME due to this once-in-a-lifetime situation.

In addition, all April and May brides will be given priority for the remainder of available dates I have in 2020.

I will not be booking new couples for 2020 until I have checked in with my April and May clients to see what their plans are.If you are a current couple of mine and this is a situation you are facing, please rest assured I will make this as easy as possible for you.

My full wedding calendar is available on the front page of my website ( It lists every date I am currently booked for a wedding in 2020 and beyond.Why is this important?For many of you, especially my April and May brides, the fear and uncertainty of when life will return to normal can be nerve-wracking, especially with nothing to really distract you as we all adjust to life inside our houses waiting for this crisis to pass.But I promise I will continue to do everything I can to make this as easy as possible for you.

So, for now, stay calm. Stay safe. Stay sane.We will all get through this together. There will be an end to this. And, when it's over, your wedding is going to be an amazing day you will never forget.

That, I promise you.



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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