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*NEW* Andrew & Hina's Wedding Photos Added!

Wedding photographers can be creatures of habit and, because of this, anytime a couple comes along in a way that falls outside of your usual rhythms and routines, you take notice.

Andrew and Hina were one of those couples for me.

I first met Andrew and Hina while exhibiting at the Original Wedding Expo at Twin River back in April and when I asked them what their wedding date was, they said "June 9th."

I won't lie, I had to do a double-take when I realized they meant it was this year. Six weeks later, in fact. But even though the quick nature of their wedding planning caught me off guard, I knew from the moment I first spoke with them that I needed to shoot their wedding as it sounded like it was going to be a beautiful event full of family, love and laughter. And it was. It truly was.

So, if you're a fan of bright, beautiful wedding days and want to see one of the first weddings at the newly-renovated Graduate Providence hotel, check out Andrew and Hina's big day for yourself by clicking here.

As always, thanks for reading and be sure to let me know what you think below.



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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