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*NEW* Evan & Michelle's Engagement Photos Added!

I'm a photographer who prides himself on reading my clients really well and when something isn't going right during a shoot, I can usually tell and try to tackle the problem head on.

So when I was lucky enough to photograph Michelle and Evan during their Roger Williams Park engagement photo session back in December, I knew something was a bit off when the bride looked a little disappointed despite us having beautiful weather and a lovely time getting to one another.

Well, apparently, the weather was TOO good for Michelle as she really wanted her winter engagement photos to take place in the snow and that's not really something we had control over.

Luckily, I'm also a photographer who wants his clients to be 100 percent happy so when Michelle asked if we could have a do-over when there actually WAS snow falling, I was happy to accommodate ... even if it took nearly all winter for it to actually happen.

And thankfully we did because it was well worth the three-months we had to wait.

So, if you'd like to see why patience is sometimes a necessary tool as a wedding photographer, and why it's often rewarded, check out Evan & Michelle's winter engagement session at Roger Williams Park by .clicking here

As always, thanks for reading and be sure to let me know what you think!



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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