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*NEW* Check out Nashua & Nader's Big Day!

One of the things I love about second shooting weddings is it exposes me to clients and cultures I may not have ever seen otherwise.

And, thanks to my work with George Street Photography, I was fortunate enough to spend an overcast summer afternoon in July shooting the wedding of Nashua and Nader, my first Egyptian couple.

Nashua and Nader were married at one of the nicest venues I've ever seen in my professional life as their ceremony and reception at Belle Mer were breathtaking but, by far, the biggest thing I'll remember about this wedding is the total shift in culture I got to witness as this bride and groom held a traditional Egyptian wedding full of their country's traditions and customs.

And it. was. awesome.

So, if you'd like to check out Nashua & Nader's beautiful July wedding in the city by the sea, click here.

As always, thanks for the follow and let me know what you think!

-PJS 10/7/17

Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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