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*NEW* Kristin & Chris' Wedding Photos Added!

If I had to rank my favorite activities on a list, wedding photography and travel would easily both be in the top-five. It's no wonder, then, that you can imagine my excitement when I got an email from Kristin and Chris earlier this year asking if I would be interested in shooting their October wedding in New Hampshire.

Despite being a life-long New Englander, I've only ever made fleeting stops in the Granite State and it's a shame really.

New Hampshire is a gorgeous place, particularly in the fall and Kristin and Chris couldn't have picked a better location to cement their love together than Exeter and Hampton.

And while the day may not have been perfect weather-wise, with this bride and groom walking down the aisle together hand in hand, it was perfect in the only way that counts.

Kristin and Chris had a beautiful October wedding full of sunflowers, love and laughter and it was an honor being selected to help them capture that day. And, like their wedding tagline says, this is one day they'll cherish "Always & Forever."

So, if you've got some time to spare today, check out Kristin and Chris' lovely wedding blog by clicking here.

As always, thanks for following along and let me know what you think!

-PJS 12/19/16

Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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