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*NEW* Marissa & Paul's Wedding Photos Added!

Life has a funny way of connecting you with people you never thought you'd see again.

In the past few years, I've had the pleasure of watching many of my former friends and classmates of mine celebrate major life moments like births, weddings and anniversaries thanks to the wonderful world of social media but, I'll be honest, it's still a bit strange to connect with someone you haven't spoken with in years ... even if it's just via a "Happy birthday" post or a random Facebook like on a meme they've posted.

So you can imagine, then, how odd it might be to sit down for coffee with someone you haven't seen since middle school but I knew the moment Marissa and I began chatting about her 2016 wedding that she the right kind of bride for me.

Marissa and Paul have one of the most unique relationships I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing and their South County wedding was a great summation of who they are as people and what they care about the most.

Here's a hint: He's her captain. She's her mermaid. And they both love their dog unconditionally.

In other words: They're my kind of people.

So, check out this week's new blog on Marissa & Paul's September wedding by clicking here.

As always, thanks for following along and let me know what you think!



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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