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*NEW* Alyssa & Alex's Wedding Photos Added!

Whenever I'm lucky enough to shoot a couple's engagement photo session, I like to think it serves as the perfect preview for how their wedding day is going to go and in the case of Alyssa and Alex, who I first photographed back in the fall of 2015, that was exactly the case.

Alyssa and Alex are a shy and quiet type of couple but a perfect match for each other and during their engagement session, I watched in silent amusement as they each brought out the other's personalities in a shoot that was not only full of great, classic and traditional fall photos but ones that were also a lot of fun. And it proved to be a great indication of how their wedding would go.

Alyssa and Alex picked a picture-perfect late summer evening for their nuptials that began with a beautiful Catholic wedding and ended with a rowdy techno and pop-music filled party that is easily one of the best I've seen this year.

Just about everything went exactly as planned on this day and for two people as loving, caring and sweet as Alyssa and Alex, it was a welcomed sight as all of their hard work and preparation paid off swimmingly.

Talk about a day to remember.

So, check out this week's new blog on Alyssa & Alex's August wedding by clicking here. As always, thanks for following along and let me know what you think.

-PJS 10/3/16

Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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