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Special Sneak Peak of Maria & Sebastian's Wedding!

Man. Today was a fantastic day. I was blessed to shoot the wedding of Maria and Sebastian and I honestly don't think today could have gone much better. The two are a fantastic couple and thanks to a very easy and relaxing timeline, we were able to head to Roger Williams Park and take a ton of formal photos. As is my custom after a great wedding, I just have to share a photo. This picture came on the long bridge at the Park. At the time, it was one of my favorites of the day. Now? Well, now it's got a TON of competition. So congrats Maria and Sebastian. It was a great day and I can't wait to show off some more photos in a couple of week. smile emoticon

Be sure to check back on this site in mid-April for a full look at Maria and Sebastian's big day. It was my first wedding of 2016 and, if this was any indication, it's going to be an amazing year.



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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