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January's Featured Photo of the Month!

Title: A timeless love

Taken: December 26th, 2016 in North Kingstown, RI

Shot with: Nikon D-3S camera body,

Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 zoom lens.

Shot at: 50 mm, 1/50 sec at f / 5.0, ISO 800

I've said it countless times but one of my favorite parts of wedding photography is telling a couple's story through their wedding day photos.

The reason is quite simple, really. Every couple is different and, throughout a wedding day, you can see those differences come alive with every photo taken.

Cathy and Ron were no different.

I met Cathy and Ron roughly three weeks before their wedding day, which is highly unusual for me. Normally, I book a wedding at least six months in advance, sometimes even as far in the future as two years, but Cathy and Ron were looking for something a little different and they weren't your typical couple.

I learned that first hand with Ron's dry sense of humor and teenage charm during our consultation but it was on the day of their wedding, which came the night after Christmas, where that was clearest. For almost the entirety of their ceremony, Cathy and Ron were making each other, and everyone in attendance laugh and, to me, that was really something special to see.

And that's why I love the photo above so much.

The picture displayed here wasn't captured during their first dance, it came much later, but, to me, it perfectly sums them up as a couple.

I love the smile on both of their faces as they share this special moment together and, more importantly, it's really beautiful to see this moment take place knowing the couple's backstory. Together for 20 years before finally making it official, this photo to me represents everything they looked forward to during that long wait and shows why it was all worth it.

It's moments like this that a couple cherishes for a lifetime. It's moments like this that make wedding photography something unique and special.

This, my friends, is what photography is all about.


Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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