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Special Sneak Peak of Rob & Jennifer's Wedding!

You know you just got done shooting an awesome wedding when, after a 16-hour work day, your first thought after coming home is "Man, I've got to get a photo up online right now!"

And that pretty much sums up today's experience as I'm writing this about two hours after finishing up Rob & Jen's gorgeous wedding at the University of Rhode Island's Alton Jones campus.

Honestly, today was an incredible day and just about everything went off beautifully. And that reception venue? Man. Breath-taking.

So, with that in mind, I thought I'd share a nice photo from Rob & Jen's big day and, fittingly, I chose a formal in front of the church because one of the biggest highlights of the day for me was getting to photograph their gorgeous ceremony.

Be sure to check back on this site in early October for a full blog post and gallery from their wedding. And, believe me, this wedding is going to be that's tough to narrow down to the few images I normally put up. What a great day!



Beyond the Lens: A blog by Paul J. Spetrini

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