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Grupo Amigos Da Terceira Wedding Photos

Will & Linda
Grupo Amigos Da Terceira, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
March 16th, 2024
The longer I photograph weddings, the more convinced I am that this job is less about taking the world's best photos and more about matching the energy and the vibe of a bride and groom on what it typically one of the most stressful days of their lives.
It's a hard pill to swallow because, as a creative person, I want my work to be its absolute best. But, sometimes, it's more important to know who you're working with and give them what they're looking for vs. what you think you would want if you were getting married.
That's why when I noticed Will and Linda were getting a tad sick of taking bride and groom photos on the chilly afternoon of their early spring wedding, I didn't pressure them to stay outside. I said "OK, cool. I think we're good" and we moved onto their reception. Of course, that might also be because I knew for this couple, the reception was where the best memories would be made. And boy were they ever.
Will and Linda said "I do" at Grupo Amigos Da Terceira in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and to say it was one of the most fun and offbeat weddings I've ever seen would be an understatement. It was everything I thought it would be and so, so much more.

My coverage of Will and Linda's wedding day started in the most Will and Linda way possible as neither wanted me to worry about their individual bride and groom preparations and arrive, instead, moments before the ceremony.
As I always do in this situation, I showed up fairly early to set up lights and get the feel for the day and I could tell right away that Will had a bit of nervous energy but was otherwise excited to get the show on the road. Of course, given that Will doubles as Coach Will and performs as a professional wrestler, I had no doubts he'd come through in the clutch once we started the main event.
And judging from the clear happiness on his face and the emotion written all over Linda's eyes, I could tell this would be a meaningful ceremony and it sure was.

I know Will and Linda were only married in March and I still have months to go before the end of the year but I don't know if any of my 2024 clients will be able to top how fun this ceremony was.
Not only did Will and Linda have some incredible beautiful moments with one another — such as when Linda recalled how they met and Will read part of his vows in a different language — but they also had an unexpected and hilariously amazing detour on the road to saying "I do" that just about made my, and all their guests' night.

After all, it's not often that the officiant breaks into a Macho Man impression and hands the bride and groom a championship belt to commemorate their special moment.
Heck, even Linda got into the spirit of things toward the end of the ceremony, saying part of her vows in the syle and tone of the legendary Randy Savage.
And how did the crowd like it? Well, as a certain Tribal Chief would say, it got a "big pop."

With Will and Linda's wedding ceremony in the books, we made our way into their formal photos. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from these two during this part of the day but after a seemingly endless amount of photos with their large family, we finally headed outside for bride and groom portraits only to be reminded that mid March is still pretty wintery in New England.
Nonetheless, Linda and Will braved the elements as long as they could and though they weren't big into the formal posing aspect of the day, I like to think we got some nice shots of the newlyweds before heading inside.

Of course, inside is where Will and Linda's wedding really stood out.
I've known Will for almost my entire life as we went to the same elementary and high schools together and even played something you could loosely call football together on the same team.
That's why I knew his wedding decor would stand out and boy did it ever.
I loved the little details of Will and Linda's professional wrestling heavy decor ... and not just because I'm a lifelong fan of the Squared Circle myself.
These decorations fit this couple and fit this day perfectly.

I really wasn't too surprised Will and Linda leaned heavily into the things they liked for the decor of their wedding day. They did the same things throughout the wedding, most clearly during the spot of the evening typically reserved for a first dance as they decided, instead, to sing a karaoke song together in lieu of a traditional dance.
It was every bit as bazaar as it sounds but, you know what? It fit them so perfectly and I could tell it was a moment they will never forget.

Will and Linda put their own personal touches on all the formalities of their wedding reception, choosing to do a combined mother/son and father-daughter dance and then choosing to dance with their now-blended family immediately afterward.
I loved this little touch as it said so much about how much these two love those closest to them and how important it is for them to always make sure their children are included in everything together equally.

With the formal dance portion of the evening in the books, Will and Linda sat down for a pair of special toasts by one of the bride's closest friends and Will's son.
Each toast was super personal and beautiful and you could feel the love in the room as the newlyweds prepared for dinner.

After dinner, I had legitimately no idea what to expect from Will and Linda's big night as the two bring out the silliest aspects of one another and aren't for the traditional stuffy stuff you might see at every Paint By Numbers wedding you go to.
No, this was a night based on fun and whether it was a fun reveal of the backside of their beautiful cake, an out-of-nowhere impersonation of the singer Shaggy by their DJ or a truly silly newlywed game, I could tell this evening was about to go off the rails in the best way possible.

And that's exactly what happened when the dance floor opened up.
Will and Linda adored every minute of their wedding reception and it was clear everyone in attendance did to, particularly once folks spontaneously decided it was time to turn the night into a karaoke party.
Me? All I could do was sit back and watch ... and take photos.

By the time my time with Will and Linda came to an end, it was clear to be that I had just photographed a wedding unlike any other I'll see this year and maybe ever. But isn't that WHY people get married?
I'm a huge advocate that brides and grooms should celebrate their love together in a way that truly feels special and unique to them and Will and Linda couldn't have done a better job of that.
So while I'm a bit disappointed no one got put through a table before I left, I guess I'll have to settle in the fact that Will and Linda had the best wedding they could have ever planned and I'm just glad I was there to document it all first hand.
So congratulations Will and Linda on an amazing wedding day and best of luck as you start your new journey together as husband and wife.
-Paul J. Spetrini